Based in Munich, Germany
Founding date:
December 16, 2002
Press / Business Contact:
4 and up
Bahnhofstr. 13 a
82284 Grafrath
+49 89 74560990
TheCodingMonkeys — the independent game studio behind Carcassonne for iOS — are proud to release its first board game adaption for kids on Thursday the 12th of September 2013.About the Game
Kids aged 4 and up race animated chickens around a meadow, all while training their visual memory. Who will be the first to collect all tail feathers and cackle in triumph? Parents are invited to play and test their memory skills, too! The goal of the game: To adorn yourself with borrowed plumes. Try to match the card that's next in your way with a card in the middle of the game board to advance. If your chicken catches up to the next player, you are able to steal her feathers! Collect all feathers to win the game. The fast-paced brainteasing chicken rally is a exciting classic for kids of all ages.
The colorful, merry chickens take this board game classic and bring it to the iPad with intuitive controls suitable for children. The screens are full of details to explore and easily accessible for even the youngest kids, thanks to numerous tests done with children during development of the app. Parents can customize the difficulty and limit the number of games allowed in a play session. Once the play session is over, night comes and the chicken go to bed. Easy, child-oriented, kid-safe - like the "real" board game.
Chicken Cha Cha Cha has won several awards for Best Children's Game in Germany, France and Finland, including the prestigious "Game of Year" (Spiel des Jahres) award in 1998. It helps to train visual memory and concentration - essentials skills in child development.
- 2-4 kids on one iPad or single-player against the computer-chicken
- Three computer-chickens of varying smartness
- Limit plays and secure the app
- Intuitive textless controls
- An easy mode for small kids with less types of cards
- Tested and approved by Kindergarten kids
- Interactive menus that invite to be explored
TheCodingMonkeys is a iOS and OS X software company based in Munich, Germany. They specialized in games and tools that are made with love and passion. Being passionate board game geeks they adopted Carcassonne for iOS in a way that does it justice and are eager to further prove that they are the go-to independent game studio for boardgames on the platform. With the release of SubEthaEdit they revolutionized real-time text collaboration. They have received two winner-category Apple Design Awards for their work.

There are far more images available for Chicken Cha Cha Cha, but these are the ones we felt would be most useful to you. If you have specific requests, please do contact us!
You can download this icon and additional company logos in our artwork zip file.
Additional Links
Chicken Cha Cha Cha on the App Store
You can download the game from the App Store at http://chickenchachacha.com/appstore.
Chicken Cha Cha Cha on Wikipedia
Wikipedia has additional information about the board game. You can check it out at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicken_Cha_Cha_Cha.
Team & Repeating
Dominik Wagner
Founder, Code Artist, Design
Martin Pittenauer
Founder, Design
Lisa Brodner
Code Artist
Tobias Klüpfel
Code Artist
Marcel-André Casasola Merkle
Code & Graphics Artist
Antje Eichhorn
Marketing & PR Artist
Stephan Maka
Cloud Artist
based on presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks